NeXus Data Format 4.0 Release Candidate Distribution Kits

NeXus 4.0 is currently undergoing testing and will be released shortly. If you wish to help, please download one of the kits below and report your findings to the testing site. For updates since the last Release Candidate, download the latest branch kit.

Release Candidate 3 (4.0rc3) - released 16th May 2007

RC3 is an update to RC2 and will have fixed most of issues reported above with RC2. There have been the following code changes since rc2 and the following issues have been reported with rc3. The RC3 code can be browsed directly or downloaded via one of the links below: Other binary distributions will be added in due course - if you require a particular binary which is not listed, please create a ticket in the Issue Tracking System.

Release Candidate 2 (4.0rc2) - released 30th March 2007

RC2 is an update to RC1 and will have fixed most of issues reported above with RC1. There have been the following code changes since rc1 and the following issues have been reported with rc2. The RC2 code can be browsed directly or downloaded via one of the links below: Other binary distributions will be added in due course - if you require a particular binary which is not listed, please create a ticket in the Issue Tracking System.

Release Candidate 1 (4.0rc1) - released 16th March 2007

The following issues have been reported with rc1. The RC1 code can be browsed directly or downloaded via one of the links below:

Latest code from the 4.0 release branch (4.0_branch_r*)

These kits are testers for fixes added to the 4.0 branch since the last rc* above and will form the basis of the next release candidate. The r* number is the subversion revision of the repository at the time the kit was made. See the last release candidate issue link above for the status of issues and fixes and here for code changes since rc3 and here for code changes since 4.0.0

The most recent build will be r1924 and will correspond to changes up to 2014-04-22 10:57:18 +0100 (Tue, 22 Apr 2014)
The current local server time is 27 Apr 05:47 BST

Page maintained by Freddie Akeroyd; last modified 27 May 10:59 BST